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Hi Gypsy.

It always seemed like my internal fighting was pretty much constant. A person would say something nice to me, and an internal personality would start yelling ugly comments to me internally. Some personality would say something that another personality would think was stupid, and internal fighting would go on. Or for no reason, a personality would internally just start having a fit about something. It was always out of control. Then several years ago, it just started where the ones that didn't argue, would try calming down the ones that did. At first, it caused more internal fighting. Over quite a period of time, it got somewhat better. Especially helpful, was the personality that had a sense of humor. That seemed to work quicker. But it was just a gradual thing for me. I always hated hearing the words, "It's all a process." but that was true. The internal fighting never really quit for me, but it did improve. Then once my integrations were complete, it stopped. But even now, I still find myself internally disagreeing with myself on some things, just without the personalities. It all just took working on it. My personalities got to where they were getting sick & tired of fighting so much. Then they all, mostly, started working on it. My internal system figured it out.

Hope that helps.
Debbie E.


I know for me, that was a problem for me. I had to learn to sit down every day and call a family meeting....I had to make sure that the alters was at least told there would be a family get together and it was during that time that they could voice their concerns, gripes, etc to all....
the meeting would last anywhere from 5 minutes to hours on hours. They would communicate with me in journal form....and they would sometimes tell me their reason for their being within....and it was at this time, that i learned to appreciate every single one of them....they are there for a reason----regardless of whether you want to accept them or not....but it was in my best interest that I did accept them and I went on after the family meetings to get to know them individually...
Some of the weaker alters told their memory or memories and merged into a stronger has taken me over 16 yrs of hard, difficult work (but I can say that it is worth the effort, time and energy put in it) to get to where I am the main personality and there are 4 other personalities that exist happily co-consciousnessly with me...
No one can tell the difference except me when I "allow" the co-conscious alter to be "out" as long as they are behave and agree with the rules that I have set forth....
and for the most part they agree with me.....and my life is finally to the point of where I am look forward to get up and start the day off with a positive start....
I wish you all the luck in the world....however, its just about like maintaining an relationship with a friend/acquaintance in the external world....

let me know how it is going....

Just ME
(Note from editor: you can send a note to Lynn to be posted here or forwarded to Just ME)


Dear Gypsy,
I've found that journaling works best for me to calm things down and get problems 'out in the open'. The other day I was having big trouble getting work done because there was so much inside arguing. So I sat down with my notebook and wrote out *everything* that any part of me wanted to say. It took me almost two hours, but when I was done, my head was quiet. And for the last two days, I've gotten a lot of work done, with no inside hassles. This really works for me.

Good luck!