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MANY VOICES' BOARD OF DIRECTORS recently met and approved presentation of the following information to all -- with further information and updates to come as appropriate:
Please look down on the right hand column for our budget info! I'm having trouble with the web design! LW

STEVE LYLE was APPROVED as Treasurer of MV's Board of Directors.

MV's current Board consists of Chair: Glenda Hertzman; Secretary: Carol Muir; Treasurer & IT expert: Steve Lyle; Member and business advisor: Bill Taylor.

As Executive Director I weigh in as a Board Member when votes are not related to compensation. MV is registered at the Atty General's office for the State of Ohio, and is always current with all required IRS and tax-related filings. Our EIN is 20-8945881. You can contact members of our board via email.

Or write by surface mail to MANY VOICES, c/o ISST-D  8400 West Park Dr.  Second Floor   McLean, Virginia  22102.


You will see in our Projected Budget a # of items we have not been able to provide before- including Directors' & Officer's Insurance, and a small increase at the bottom, of $3,500. We are attempting to build a cushion to provide for lean months, so Lynn W. or whoever leads the organization, does not have to dip into personal credit cards to keep vendors paid. At present (September 2012) we are not meeting our budget projections, with the exception of bequests, where we are on target or above for the past months.

Our actual revenue is lower at this point than it was at this time in 2011. However, I have great hopes that with some of our new efforts at advertising solicitation, grantmaking and collaboration, plus social networking, it will be possible to make MV financially stable. We provide a wonderful service to our readers and supportive others - and we've done so for nearly 25 years!
In case you wonder though--I do have a Plan A and a Plan B if, for some reason, we are not able to fulfill our sustainability dreams. The Board is aware of these plans. If the need becomes obvious, they will take the necessary steps. I am very proud of our Board, their dedication to MV's cause, and their personal help to me, Lynn Wasnak aka Lynn W., founder and Executive Director.



We would like to form an Advisory Board of top-level Professional Trauma-trained Therapists, Friends of MV, or highly functional 'people-with-the-problem'. There are NO legal or other obligations to you, other than your willingness to offer your personal opinions to me or our Board on occasional questions that may be relevant to improving the quality of MANY VOICES' services and sustainability. If you are willing to serve MV in this capacity, please contact me.

If you prefer to not be a 'Formal' Advisory Board member (and thus not be listed on our site or publications) but would still be willing to share your insights, just let me know it is OK to contact you informally, and your name will not appear anywhere.

Truly, I'm so new to the non-profit business, and I'm trying hard to do a good job in setting up MV for the long haul. If you can help me do this in any capacity whatsoever, I would be most grateful!

Thanks again- Lynn Wasnak



I am not a therapist, but as publisher of MANY VOICES since 1989, I'd like to tell you a little about dissociation as I understand it. Some of this is based on my own experience as one diagnosed with DD-NOS. (That's Shrink-speak for "Dissociative Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified.")

Though nearly everyone has experienced episodes of dissociation (unknowingly passing up an exit on a freeway, "blanking out" occasionally) people with a Dissociative Disorder use dissociation routinely to cope with stress. Think of it as a way to "escape" without leaving the scene.

It seems that DD develops in people who (a) have the capacity to dissociate (b) are subject at an early age to repeated trauma (often child abuse—physical, sexual, emotional or all three—but sometimes other traumas, such as operations to correct birth defects.) The results can range from annoying problems with memory, to extreme disconnection of various parts of the self from each other, often with amnesia. For example, feelings such as anger may be segmented off from the rest of the personality and emerge in an uncontrolled fashion, or roles such as work or marriage may be handled by one or more parts or fragments of the personality, leaving the rest of the individual ill-equipped and possibly unaware of these activities. Thus, a wonderful housewife and mother might have parts of herself that really don't "believe" they have a husband and children, and don't interact with them the way "the mother" does.

People with an untreated Dissociative Disorder may appear to function well in society, yet inside they may feel awful, confused, crazy because of "lost time" and bewildered by the extreme changes of mood and belief they experience. Suicidal feelings are common, and some may attempt suicide. Many are seriously depressed. Other self-destructive behaviors include cutting or self-mutilation, substance abuse, eating disorders, associating with abusive persons, or undermining their own constructive goals. Some people with a Dissociative Disorder repeat the abusive behavior they experienced as children with others, often with their own children.

No level of society is immune to dissociation. There are physicians, lawyers, executives, computer programmers, salespeople, truck drivers, students and homemakers—as well as the homeless—who are working to recover from very uncomfortable dissociative symptoms. However, with appropriate treatment, many people with DD greatly improve their level of functioning and personal comfort. Some learn to cooperate internally, and stop their harmful behaviors. Others eventually "integrate" or reconnect the separated parts of the personality, reaping additional benefits such as added energy and inner peace.

Several different diagnoses come under the heading of a Dissociative Disorder. An experienced therapist can best explain these differences, or you can read about them in the DSM-IV, available at your local library. SOON the DSM-V will be out, and available. We'll announce that on our news page when it happens.

No one chooses to have a serious emotional health problem. But each of us can choose to do our best to get better, and live healthier lives.
I'll be glad to send anyone who asks a free sample issue of MANY VOICES. For professionals, an excellent source of treatment information is the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Email or visit website.

Sincerely, Lynn W.


              PROJECTED BUDGET FOR MV 2012
  Newsletter Revenue
  Donations to MV
  Advertising Revenue
  Book Income
  MV Exec Director Fees
  Dir.& Officers' Insurance
  Mailing Service
  Office Supplies



In 2007
MANY VOICES became a

After years of serving thousands of recovering people in the US and abroad, MANY VOICES needed a structure that could carry it forward into the future.That's why, in April 2007, it became a not-for-profit corporation, registered in the State of Ohio. Our IRS filing for status as a 501(c)(3) charity was approved as of Dec. 26, 2007. Our EIN is 20-8945881. 

MANY VOICES chose to convert to a charitable status because I'm getting old and frankly, it's too much for me to do alone, to keep traumatized individuals, their families and friends informed. MV is dedicated to providing a place of hope and encouragement for the difficult problems of recovery. We welcome your contributions, ideas, and volunteer efforts. Please contact us anytime.

Sadly, the number of trauma survivors in today’s society is rapidly increasing, and encompasses several groups that MANY VOICES could provide with specialized publications or services, given sufficient resources. There are great needs for support materials and assistance for traumatized war veterans, torture victims, rape victims, even survivors of catastrophes such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. The families and employers of traumatized people also need educational materials and help to maintain potentially-difficult relationships with persons who suffer from PTSD, depression, eating disorders and other manifestations of traumatic experience. MANY VOICES already has the basics to assist with this service, but needs additional funding to complete the mission.

We also want to assist researchers who want to alleviate trauma treatment through new or modified methods. We are glad to announce research projects through our printed and e-newletters and resource supplements.

We have lots of great ideas. We simply need more funding! To assist awareness of the sources and effects of severe trauma, MANY VOICES may publish the personal recovery stories of survivors, or compile selections of their art works in book form. Joint publications by therapists and clients might be considered. Traveling survivor-art exhibits, and other creative expressions (plays, videos, poetry readings, music or dance performances) could serve to create a sense of community among survivors and enhance public understanding of trauma’s serious impact on daily life. Since at present MV’s subscriber base is primarily made up of survivors of severe childhood abuse, MV may become more proactive in developing or supporting child abuse/domestic abuse prevention programs and activities. Information packets to assist local support groups may be developed, too.

In 2009, MV launched a new FREE biweekly
E-Newsletter, the MV-News Insider Edition.

See Archives here, or Opt-In!

Almost every day, new challenges in trauma treatment surface in which MANY VOICES could play a useful role. If you have ideas about what needs to be done, please contact us.

Sincerely, with love to you all,

Lynn W., founder and Executive Director

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