We are sorry to announce that Lynn Wasnak, Founder and Executive Director, has passed away. This is a link to the obituary (Click here).
Since 1989, MANY VOICES' bimonthly newsletters, books, and website offer healing resources to people recovering from child abuse or severe trauma. MV readers form a community dedicated to healing from tragic physical, sexual, and emotional assaults. We suggest solutions to overcome dissociation, PTSD, flashbacks, self-injury and other disabling symptoms of a painful past. We publish the knowledge and caring of trauma therapy specialists on our Therapists' Pages. And as we heal, we share our good news of regained health and improved relationships with others. We do our part to end the cycle of child abuse. Check out our web sharing section, our subject index, our themes, and our links. MANY VOICES may help transform your future, too!
In January 2014, the following was found in minutes from a Board of Directors Meeting dated 9/20/2011. Lynn was nine months into Chemotherapy at this point.
"ISST-D Liason. I already contacted our liaison at ISST-D telling her to expect that we will have "contingency plans" to discuss with them. I have had excellent contacts with them since MV began, and if we are not able to keep MV going, (when I am gone), this is the place I want to "take over", even if all they do is make back issues available on the web in perpetuity."
Many Voices issues are now the property of The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. According to Lynn Wasnak's wishes, ALL of the issues of Many Voices from 1989 - 2012 are available to download as PDF's. Click on the "Newsletter" link in the menu to access the entire library.
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MANY VOICES ISST-D 8400 West Park Dr. Second Floor McLean, Virginia 22102 USA
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